Friday, April 30, 2010

Holding Hands

Caleb and his friend Caroline LOVE holding hands and walking around our "U" together. They are super cute! I love seeing how they are becoming such little people.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Abby Sister

Caleb and I have somehow started calling Abby, "Abby Sister"...poor thing, hopefully the nickname will wear off before she goes to school:)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Caleb's Friends

We've made such dear friends living at Gulf Drive, and it's been so fun to see friendships develop among our children too as they grow up together.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Easter fun

Easter was Abby's first trip to church. It was such a joyful day celebrating Christ's resurrection and the new life we have in him!

This was Caleb's first year to experience Easter candy, and I'm afraid there's no going back! This boy is a chocolate addict already.

Here are the Easter egg dying festivities...lots of mess+lots of friends=lots of chaos and lots of fun:)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Big Brother

No words can express how much I love this boy...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Abby: fresh from the hospital

Friday, April 16, 2010

Abby: in the hospital

Thanks, Paige, for taking all these pictures! We would be pictureless without you!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

More Abby!

These pictures are a couple weeks old now, but I promise to take more tomorrow!! Life just gets away from me before I remember to take pictures! She was just looking like she wanted to smile today, so hopefully we'll get some smiley pictures soon:)

Pool Party!

Carrie looks sad about the party, but she's not...I just surprised her with my camera:)
Caleb is a little sad about the party...he busted his knees on the sidewalk.
Poor Caroline's lips are was a little chilly this afternoon, and all the babies got a little cold at our pool party.
Katie with her hands full!!
Sweet girls...Caleb loves his Ruby and his Lucy friends!!
Here are my attempts to get all the kids to look at the camera...unsuccessful!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sweet Siblings

Caleb LOVES his baby Abby. When Abby and I go in to wake him up from his nap, he gets so excited to see her and even more excited if I let her hang out in the crib with him for a while. She doesn't respond much yet to him, but I know she will soon. I can't wait to see them play together and become best friends!