Monday, August 9, 2010

oh dear...

We're not there yet, but this is where we're headed!
Yes, we bought the big boy underwear, and he is SO ready to start potty training. I, however, am not so ready. I think we'll probably start next week when the kids and I get back from my cousin's wedding in Florida.
I know it will be very worth it, but I know that the process will probably be more work than diapers. I also just can't believe my baby is growing up so fast!!


Hannah said...

What did you put on that boy's head? So cute. He looks so grown up!

Crystal said...

hope it goes well! definitely worth it when it is through, but let me know when you start...and I will pray for extra perseverance those days!

The Novaks said...

haha, it's a cardboard "crown," han.
and thank you, crystal...i will definitely need those prayers.

Suzanne said...

we've got the big-boy underwear, too, and will commence with potty training Isaac on Monday! How's it going for you??

The Novaks said...

we haven't started yet...i'm thinking about starting tomorrow! good luck to y'all tomorrow too!!