Caleb has started to roll onto his stomach when I lay him back to wash his hair. At first he freaks out, but within 2 seconds he's loving it. Such a funny boy!
He is now into EVERYTHING and crawling around, through, up, down and into things. Some of his favorites are my purse, the kitchen cabinets, and (only once) the bathtub.

His new favorite activity is catapulting off of the couch for me to catch him. So far I have caught him every time, but I'm getting nervous that he may figure out how to get up there by himself and jump off onto his head!
this bath picture makes him look just like Michael...but normally, with his big bright eyes, he resembles you more! it is weird how he is the exact combination of the two of you! I guess that's the point, but it is so awesome to see that...he is so sweet, and I can NOT wait to come hang out with you guys soon!!!!!!!!
ps. that was me, whitney
love you rach!
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