Sunday, April 19, 2009

Busy Boy

The last few weeks around here have been so much fun. Caleb has been picking up new words all the time and coming up with the funniest things to entertain us. Lately his favorite word is "bye-bye." The best thing about this word for him is that, combined with a wave, it can mean almost anything. It means "I'm done eating" or "nap time's over, bye-bye paci" or it means "this book is getting boring" or it actually does mean "see you later." If fact in the picture below he was probably saying "bye-bye, I'm going over here now." 

Some of his other new words are slide, ride, daddy, mimi (mama), milk, please, paci, night-night, hi, Daisy and bath. Every time he says something new we freak out and say it back to him all the time...he thinks we're pretty crazy. 

He's also become fascinated with balancing things on his head: sippy cups, books, hats. It's pretty hilarious. He thinks so too. 

That's all the brand new stuff I can think of for now...I'll try to be better about regular updates!

He LOVES riding in the back of his dump soon as he sees it, he climbs in the back and shouts, "Ride! Ride! Ride!" As you can see, he can't wait for me to push him around the house.

How sweet is this sleeping picture?! I love how he keeps his bunny right up by his face. What a sweet boy. He's been sleeping MUCH better recently. Praise the Lord!!


Suzanne said...

Isaac sleeps with Eeyore's ear over his face sometimes because he rubs it all over his eyes until he falls asleep. They're so cute :)

notes of em said...

isnt it so much fun! I always feel like I am discovering the newest thing along with them.
I also wanted to say that SP call's me Mimi ALL the time. How funny that he is doing the same :)