Bare feet
Crawling in the grass
Babies playing in just a diaper
Wagon rides
Zoo trips
Planting tomatoes
Hearing about finals and students being sick of school
Eating strawberries
Making the back porch a "room" of the home
Late evenings playing and talking with neighbors
The change of seasons brings such a welcome shift in the feel of daily life. Everything feels fresher and happier and more exciting. Isn't God so kind to give us seasons? I can never decide which I like better, fall or spring. To me they both give the same feeling. It's like a giddy excitement about what's to come.
One of the best parts of spring at Gulf Drive is that people seem to come out of hibernation. Everyone wants to be outside all the time, and so bedtimes get pushed back, meals get brought outside, toys get shared, and conversations drift in and out of open windows.
A spring photo gallery

Still a little chilly on this day...we're never without friends in the red birthday wagon!
This one was tonight. Thanks for the purple dinosaur, Camilla and Catalina!
Fun times at the zoo...penguins will always be the favorite because of how close we can get to them. We literally have to hold back Caleb's hands to keep him from petting them!
Thanks for asking us along this week, Emily and Hudson!
Double-fisting the drinks. Gotta stay hydrated in all this 80 degree weather!
Peek-a-boo! Diaper boxes make excellent toys.
Caleb just hates getting dressed after his bath. He would prefer to live naked.
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